Acatenango Volcano Overnight Hike

The HARDEST and most REWARDING hike of my life! 

Climbing Antigua’s remarkable Volcán Acatenango, which towers above the landscape at 3,976 m, is at the top of the bucket list for most adventure travelers in Guatemala. Aside from providing panoramic views of the entire region, Acatenango gives hikers a birds-eye-view of nearby (and very active!) Volcán de Fuego which has been erupting almost every 15 minutes since as far back as the 1500s.

If you are visiting Antigua, you have to do this hike to complete your Guatemala trip, the experience is like no others. Imagine you’re watching the eruption of the active Volcán de Fuego from your tent, especially at night, you’ll see the red lava flowing down the mountain. It’s crazy to even think of it when you can get such a view of this phenomenon from close!

Volcán de Fuego, in English its name means Volcano of Fire. Since 2002, it’s eruptions have been vigorous. The volcano has many small eruptions every day, and every couple of years it has a larger, more disruptive eruption.

What an incredible phenomenon!

I have a friend, Alice who lives in Antigua with her adorable son. One of the reason I was visiting Guatemala is because of visiting her, of course I do know there are a lot to see and explore in this part of Central America.

Why Doing this Hike? 

Alice knows that I love hiking and outdoor, the first “things-to-do” in Antigua she recommended me was this Acatenango Volcano Overnight Hike, of course without considering at all and I said: “Yes, I’d love to do that!”.

I have always been active and I have been hiking whenever I travel to South America. I have done Machu Picchu in Peru, Torres Del Paine in Chile and Mount Fitz Roy in Argentina. To be honest, I thought I was quite fit to do the hike. Apparently I was overestimating myself, little did I know this Acatenango Volcano is a giant beast, that it could defeat my confidence. Still, I made it to the summit, it was a real fight, digging every ounce of my inner strength.

“It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.”

– Confucius

Altitude Sickness?

Alice booked me on this overnight hike after I was acclimatised in Antigua for a few days. This is an extremely important part if you are planning to do some sports in high altitude place, like hiking to Acatenango volcano which is 3,976 meters high. Because if you don’t get acclimatised, you will get altitude sickness with symptoms such as headaches, vomiting, tiredness, trouble sleeping, and dizziness. You do not want this to happen when you are traveling, so prepare yourself and prevent this from happening. Basically, our body needs about two to three days of slowly going higher in order to adjust to the changes, avoid alcohol and drink plenty of water help. There’s also medication you can take prior to your trip.

With our cheerful and incredible guide, Elisandro!

My Tour Operator

Gilmer Soy Tours is a very reliable tour operator based in Antigua, they provide very good service and they speak English. Most importantly, they have passion in what they do and they take extremely good care of us.

I remember during my first day of hiking to the base camp, one lady in my group was suffering from altitude sickness, she was feeling nauseous and could no longer make it any further, she puked and cried badly. Our guides immediately contacted the office sending another guide to go up the mountain, while one of our guides was carrying her down on his back, so they could meet somewhere in the middle, and passed over the lady so she could go back to Antigua to receive proper care and rest. We are talking about over 3000 meters high at that time, and after sending the lady to his teammate, the guide came back up again, when he arrived at the base camp, it was already way past dinner time, and in complete darkness. That was incredible when we know we are in very good hands, they care a lot about our well beings.

The two amazing guides we had were Elisandro and Wilson who were guiding us all the way to the summit. One of them were leading us, the group of 10 in the front and another one was walking behind the group to make sure we were all safe and they offer help to carry our backpacks for those who’s struggling. It’s a tough job for them but you can see they enjoy what they do, and they are always showing their brightest smiles.

The Overnight Hike Itinerary

Day 1
  • Pick up at hotel/hostal in Antigua – 7:30 am
  • Meet up point at the volcano base area (San José Calderas community).
  • Equipment checks and refreshments (Equipments subject of availability).
  • Short introduction for the expedition.
  • Start hiking to campsite at 10:00am (several stops for food and water).
  • Freshly cooked dinner at campsite.
Day 2
  • Start hiking to the summit of Acatenango at 3:00am.
  • Sunset watching at the summit.
  • Descent to the campsite.
  • Breakfast and pack up.
  • Descent to meeting point at the volcano base at 8:30am
  • Back to hotel/hostal in Antigua – 1:00pm.
The view of Fuego volcano from my tent!

Things to Pack for the Hike

Hiking Gear
  • Hiking Shoe – you’ll be trekking in the rough environment and thick volcanic ashes, going with the right shoe is important to hike comfortably.
  • Backpack with around 60L capacity – you have a lot to pack for the adventure.
  • Walking Stick – either you bring your own or they can provide, you’ll need it because walking on volcanic ashes is so much harder that you think, walking stick will give you a lot of support for both ascent and descent.
  • Sleeping Bag – bring your own so you’ll sleep better at night after the long hike, you do not want to worry about the hygiene issue.
  • Dry Fit Shirts x2
  • Pulloveryou feel very good to have a clean pullover to sleep, and for the next day.
  • Light Weighted Warm Jacket – the temperature is very low up there, they will also provide thick jacket for you during the pre-hike briefing, they will check and make sure we have the right one for keeping ourselves warm.
  • Windbreaker – you’ll need it on day 2 at the summit because it can get very windy and wet, this will make a difference.
  • Quick Drying Underwear x2
  • Mountain Trekking Zip-Off Trousers – you’ll have the choice to detach the lower part of the trousers easily as at some point you’ll sweat a lot and feeling hot.
  • Thick Wool Socks x2
  • Winter Hat/ Beanie
  • Gloves
  • 3L of Drinking Water
  • Energy Bars, Mixed Trail Nuts & Chocolate
  • Headlamp – on day 2 you’ll start hiking at 3:00am, without a headlamp it will be even more difficult to hike as you’ll lose sight of your teammates easily, it can get very foggy.
  • Cellphone and Power Bank
  • Camera/ GoPro
  • Toilet Paper – there’s a toilet at the base camp, but I do recommend you go for your big business in the morning before going for the hike, you’ll feel lighter.
  • Wet Wipes – for wiping face and body before sleeping, you’ll sleep better.
  • Disposable Toothbrush and Toothpaste 
  • Face Moisturizer

Best Time to Hike Acatenango

In Antigua, Guatemala there is a 6 month dry season from November – April, and a 6 month wet season from May – October. However this does not guarantee that you will have great weather in the dry season and bad weather in the wet season!  It is great to do the Acatenango climb all year round but from Nov – Apr you are more likely to have clear views and less likely to get wet. Having said that in the rainy season it usually is clear and sunny in the morning, clouding over at midday and rains for a couple of hours in the afternoon and then clears up again in the evening.

Freshly brewed coffee and hot chocolate!

The Hike Overview

The first part of the hike to Acatenango volcano is through local farm fields. This first hour will help you acclimatise and warm up your leg muscles. Further in the ascent, you’ll pass through an old-growth tropical cloud forest with some of the oldest trees of the volcano.

There’re some parts of the ascent that you’ll walk on the volcanic ashes, it’s extremely physical demanding because for every climb you make, you’ll drop a few inches. It is exhausting, at some point when you get too tired and you don’t care about being filthy anymore, you’ll just sit on the black volcanic ashes to rest your legs.

At noon time, you’ll enjoy your lunch break as they will prepare a fresh picnic, we had a grilled herb chicken with steamed rice and vegetables, and an apple as a dessert.

It is an incredible biodiversity of flora and fauna and is home to the famous Quetzal, Guatemala’s national bird. Along the way to the campsite, you will enjoy fantastic views of the other volcanoes like Atitlán and San Pedro.

At the base camp

Once in the campsite, you will be assigned your tent, you get settled and drop all the weights and freshen up yourselves. There is plenty of room to stretch out, dinner will be served after everyone’s ready. The guides will also set up a camp fire for everyone to stay warm. When the night approaches, the hikers gather around the campfire and mingle, while enjoying the the most incredible sights and sounds of nearby Fuego volcano’s eruptions. It is the best show you will see once the lights begin to fade, and it is the best prelude to a fresh camp dinner with hot tea and coffee. This is the most rewarding part of the hike, it is beyond unbelievable!

The sunset from Acatenango volcano’s base camp is one of the most amazing sunsets you will ever see with the red lava spewing out of the volcano next door.

The summit of Acatenango volcano, we made it!

The next morning, you will summit Acatenango’s 3,975 meters peak. This part of the hike is even more challenging than the day before with a 45 minute ascent on sand and gravel scree trail dotted with dwarf pine trees and high alpine mosses. I was really struggling to climb, every single step got sucked into the sand, plus the icy cold wind, freezing temperature and the darkness. All these factors are really trying their best to beat you to the ground. Giving up at this point seems to be the easiest thing to do, but then there’s a voice deep inside was screaming out, “You do not make this far to give up!” Then, I managed to find the strength and I told myself, I will make it to the top with the rest of my teammates. And I did it!!! It’s really mind over matters.

After the steepest trail up to the summit, we are rewarded with an incredible sunrise over Fuego volcano.

Watching sunrise above the sea of clouds!

After some rest and enjoying the unparalleled 360-degree views of the Guatemalan highlands, you’ll descend back down through a myriad of microclimates and finally return to Antigua.

Mount Fuego Eruption 2018

On Sunday 3rd June 2018, Guatemala’s Fuego Volcano erupted violently and with little warning, sending ash nearly four miles into the air, and burying villages under an avalanche like pyroclastic flow of super heated ash and volcanic gasses.  At least 62 fatalities have been reported thus for, with hundreds more missing and injured.



High Island Reservoir East Dam, Dolosse Wall & Po Pin Chau

The beautiful High Island Reservoir.

Sai Kung is a touristic place, many would flood there over the weekend or public holidays for activities like junk boat, water sports, hiking and sightseeing. Located in Hong Kong’s far east, just off the Sai Kung East Country Park, is the Hong Kong UNESCO Global Geopark, recognized in 2009 for its special geological significance and natural beauty.

The attractions at the UNESCO Global Geopark like High Island Reservoir East Dam, Dolosse Wall & Po Pin Chau have become increasingly popular because of the beautiful volcanic rock formations and they are all instagrammable. One good thing is you can reach there by land transportations without taking the ferry/boat.

How to get there & return:
1. From MTR Choi Hung station, proceed to the C2 exit. Take the 1A minibus to Sai Kung.

2. From Sai Kung Pier bus terminal, take KMB bus #94 heading to Wong Shek Pier, and get off just after Pak Tam Chung. Walk along Tai Mong Tsai Road to the junction ahead. Turn right on Sai Kung Man Yee Road and walk about 9 km OR you can take a taxi directly from Sai Kung pier, tell the driver that you are going to “Man Yee Tung Pa” (High Island Reservoir East Dam).

3. Once you are at the High Island Reservoir East Dam, you are close to all the beautiful attractions.

4. To return to Sai Kung pier, you can either walk all the way back to Pak Tam Chung to catch a bus OR call for taxi to pick you up there. Uber is a good choice too!

5. From Sai Kung pier, you can get on KMB bus #92 to go to MTR Choi Hung & Diamond Hill.

View of the High Island Reservoir from Biu Tsim Kok Viewing Point!

If you’d like to take some nice shots and have a bird’s eye view of the park, you must not miss Biu Tsim Kok 標尖角 Viewing Point. From the roundabout, you’ll see the MacLehose Trail Section 1, follow the trail and take your first right turn and walk up the hill, you’ll find the viewing point.

A dolos is a reinforced concrete block in a complex geometric shape weighing up to 80 tonnes, used in great numbers as a form of coastal management to build revetments for protection against the erosive force of waves from a body of water. This Dolosse Wall is massive and you can climb on it for great pictures, but be very careful and don’t fall into gap.

Aerial shot of the incredible Dolosse Wall!

The other side of the Dolosse Wall you will find another instagram worthy place. Get inside the holes!!!

Posing with the holes!

Looking toward the sea from East Dam, Fa Shan 花山 is cut into two parts; the one being separated is Po Pin Chau 破邊洲, which is a type of the sea abrasion landscapes – sea stack. Po Pin Chau was once part of Fa
Shan, but years of wave impact and erosion separated it. The rock
stacks on the shore of Po Pin Chau tower almost vertically over the
sea. The rock face looks just like a giant pipe organ.

Aerial shot of Po Pin Chau!

“All my life through, the new sights of Nature made me rejoice like a child.”

– Marie Curie

You have so much to see here at the UNESCO Global Geopark, you can easily spend half a day enjoying the nature beauty here with some easy hikes. Get out there and let the nature sooth your body and soul!

Tiger’s Head 老虎頭 – the “Discovery” Trail

View of the entire Discovery Bay from the top of Tiger’s Head!

Discovery Bay is a residential area, it is very popular among the expatriates because of the secluded location and the resort living lifestyle. Many locals go there for a day trip from the city to chill and enjoy quality time with family, there are many beachfront bars & restaurants with cuisines all around the world and a public beach. During weekend, Discovery Bay is very crowded with both the residents and tourists, go there and get energized.

There are 2 hiking trails between Mui Wo and Discovery Bay, one via Tiger’s Head/ Lo Fu Tau and another one via the Trappist Haven Monastery, the latter trail is an easy one. I am doing a circular hike beginning and ending in Mui Wo covering both trails , it is achievable within 4 hours. Give yourself a challenge, I am sure you can do it too.

My Trail: 

” Mui Wo Wet Market > Pak Ngan Heung > A Po Long 亞婆塱 > TIGER’S HEAD/ LO FU TAU 老虎頭 (465M) > Discovery Bay 愉景灣 > Nim Shue Wan 稔樹灣 > Trappist Haven Monastery > Tung Wan Tau 東灣頭 > Mui Wo 梅窩”
*Alternately, you can finish your hike in Discovery Bay, enjoy a good meal at the beachfront restaurants and take the ferry to go back to Central/ Mui Wo. 

Distance: 16 KM
Duration: 4.5 hours
Elevation Gain: 986 M
Difficulty: 3/5
View: 3.5/5

Picture spot before arriving at Tiger’s Head!

How to get there & return:

1. Take the ferry from Central Pier No.6 to Mui Wo. Fast ferry takes 35 minutes and slow ferry takes 55 minutes.

If you are coming from Tung Chung, you can go to the main bus terminal and take the 3M bus, journey is about 40 minutes.

2. Once you are in Mui Wo, find the Olympic Trail. You will first have to walk to Mui Wo Municipal Building, Olympic Trail is very close from there. Follow the trail and you will walk pass Pak Ngan Heung Village, Silvermine Waterfall and Silvermine Cave.

3. Follow the sign to Tung Chung, when you arrive at the A Po Long 亞婆塱 pavilion, turn right into the Lo Fu Tau Country Trail. You will see 2 pavilions before the one at A Po Long.

4. After arriving DB, find your way to Nim Shue Wan 稔樹灣, follow the beach path heading to Trappist Haven Monastery, and then to Mui Wo.

5. You’ll finish at Mui Wo Beach, you can then take either ferry to go back to Central or the 3M bus to Tung Chung.

Hike Overview:

The first 3 kms of the trail from Mui Wo is mainly concrete road & stairs, you’ll walk through some villages and the famous Silvermine Waterfall & Silvermine Cave. After getting to the Pavilion at A Po Long, turn right into the Lo Fu Tau Country Trail and you’ll walk for another 3 kms before you reach Tiger’s Head. This part is the best part because you are walking in the nature with sea view on both sides, Hong Kong International Airport on your left and DB Golf Course on your right.

“ Leave the road, take the trails. ”

– Pythagoras

Keep walking and you’ll get to a nice picture spot, a rock that look like a diving board. You can climb up there and strike a pose for your instagram post. Be careful though!

Soon, you’ll arrive at Tiger’s Head/ Lo Fu Tau, take your time to admire the beautiful scenery of all directions. On a clear sunny day, you can see as far as Hong Kong island and Kowloon.

The most challenging part of this entire trail is going down to Discovery Bay from Tiger’s Head, the descent on some parts is steep and slippery, please take all your time to go down.

Going back to Mui Wo via the monastery is an easy hike, you will reach a great spot for watching sunset with the whole Silvermine Bay. It’s breathtaking!!!

Enjoy the Mui Wo tranquility after you complete your hike and get a good meal to reward yourself before returning home, there are some nice restaurants like the Kitchen, High Tide, Wah Kee Seafood, China Bear, etc.