Suicide Cliff 自殺崖 – the Dangerously Beautiful Hike

The best spot for watching sunset!

Suicide Cliff 自殺崖, located on the Kowloon Peak, is one of the most popular spots for hiking, and also the most talked about place as injuries and fatalities had happened to hikers before. No doubt, it is the best spot for watching sunset in my opinion. Standing on the cliff, you have the whole Hong Kong city view right in front of you, as you watch the setting sun like an orange egg yolk. It is beyond captivating! Even though I have been there a couple of times, I am still blown away by the view up there every single time.

If you haven’t been there before, please go with experienced hikers. Remember, safety always come first. Even though it is a fantastic spot for getting a good shot, please do not attempt to go to the cliff if you don’t feel comfortable. If you do, be extremely careful. We always know our limit, just don’t cross the line!

Isn’t it mind-blowing?
Feeling like on top of the world!

My Trail: 

” Choi Hung MTR > Jat’s Incline 扎山道 > Kowloon Peak 飛鵝山 (602M) > SUICIDE CLIFF 自殺崖 > Chau Liu Au 茶寮坳> Fei Ngo Shan Road ”

Distance: 5.5 KM
Duration: 3 hours
Elevation Gain: 592 M
Difficulty: 4.5/5
View: 5/5

How to get there & return:

1. Take MTR Kwun Tong Line to Choi Hung 彩虹 station, then take exit C2.

2. From exit C2, turn right and follow the stairs up to Wing Ting Road, then turn left. After a few minutes walk on Wing Ting Road, take your first right turn into On Ting Road, the road will lead you to Ping Ting Road. Keep going straight and pay attention to your right, you will see the stairs almost at the end of Ping Ting Road, take the stairs and go all the way to Jat’s Incline.

3. Follow Jat’s Incline for a few minutes walk and turn right into the rocky path, and hike all the way to Kowloon Peak.

4. From Kowloon Peak, walk pass the radio station, follow the path and then you will have to descent before you arrive at Suicide Cliff.

5. You’ll finish at Fei Ngo Shan Road, walk to Clear Water Bay Road and follow the road until you see the bus stop, you can get on any bus to Choi Hung MTR station.

Hike Overview:

First 2 kilometers of this trail after turning in from Ping Ting Road is mainly stairs, you’ll be walking under the shade, be prepared for hundreds of stairs ascending until you get to Jat’s Incline. Once you get to the road, pay attention to your right after less than 100M walk, you’ll see the path going up the mountain. That’s the shortcut to Kowloon Peak, it takes about 40-50 minutes of ascent. This path is very steep, I’d recommend that you bring your gloves as you’ll have to hold on the rocks to help you going up. It is safe though.

You’ll find two beautiful spots for taking pictures along the way, you can take a break and enjoy the view. You’ll see big rocks with an open view of the city, you won’t miss them.

1st picture spot.
2nd picture spot.

When you see the radio station, that’s where you are heading. You’ll finally arrive at the helipad, and that’s Kowloon Peak. On the other side, you’ll see Sai Kung and Ma On Shan Country Park, take a moment to enjoy the beautiful scenery.

To go on to Suicide Cliff, go up to the radio station and walk pass it. You will see some stairs and a path going further. You won’t get lost as there are always hikers and photographers, and the path is pretty obvious. From now on, you have to be very careful, watch every step you make because accident can happen if you do not stay focus on the path. If you are there for sunset, it is a MUST that you bring a headlamp or a torch with you, you need it for the steep descent to avoid accident and getting lost.

“ Conquering your fear brings you to new heights, and a whole new perspective. ”

– Raynard Jackle

Here are some nice sunset shots I have taken:

To go down from Suicide Cliff, there are two ways:

(i) A shorter path is steeper, the descent will be scary for those who has acrophobia, it takes only 45 minutes to the main road. Take the path going down from Suicide Cliff, at some parts you’ll have to sit on the rocks to aid your descent. You’re gonna lose the sunlight completely if you are going down after watching sunset, therefore having a headlamp is a must so you don’t lose your way down.

(ii) Another path you have to go back to Kowloon Peak, after passing the helipad, take the stairs on your right, it will lead you to Fei Ngo Shan Road. Follow the road all the way down, until you reach Clear Water Bay Road. This way takes at least 1.5 hours.

I hope you’re going to enjoy the hike as much as I do and get some great shots. One last reminder, safety always comes first!

Aerial view of Kowloon Peak and Sai Kung on the right.
You can see the radio station and the path leading to Suicide Cliff, also the path going down the mountain.

Please check out my Lion Rock Hike, Sunset Peak Hike & Temple Crag Hike, if you like watching sunset on top of the mountain! 

Grass Island 塔門 – A Forgotten Island

Grass Island Pier

Grass Island, or you may call it Tap Mun 塔門 is located in the northeastern part of Hong Kong, it is very close to Sai Kung East Country Park. Getting to Grass Island is a long way with different mode of transportation, but trust me you will not regret it going there.

Aerial shot of Grass Island

How to get there & return:
1. Take MTR East Rail Line to University station.

2. Take Exit B, follow the sign to Ma Liu Shui Pier, it takes about 10 minutes walking. (After exiting the station, take your left and follow the red bicycle path, walk towards the sea direction)

3. Get on the Kaito Ferry at Ma Liu Shui Pier to Grass Island (Tap Mun), journey is about 1.5 hours. (Fare: Monday to Friday – $18 / Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays – $28). Although the ferry journey is long, it’s very scenic as you sail your way to the island. You will see the beautiful Sai Kung Country Park  & Ma On Shan on your right, and on your left, you will the Pat Sin Leng, the Eight Immortals Mountains and also Plover Cove Reservoir. Get some fresh air, enjoy the breeze and admire the view you have around you.

Kaito Ferry Timetable between Ma Liu Shui, Grass Island & Wong Shek Pier

4. For return you can either take the ferry back to Ma Liu Shui, or you can take the ferry to Wong Shek Pier:
( i ) From Grass Island back to Ma Liu Shui is the same journey, 1.5 hours. After arriving Ma Liu Shui Pier, you will walk to East Rail Line University Station to take the train.
( ii ) If you choose to go to Wong Shek Pier, which is in Sai Kung, ferry journey is only 35 minutes. However, you have to take the KMB bus #94 to go to Sai Kung Pier for changing other buses to go back to the city. KMB bus #94 frequency is every half-hourly.

5. Kindly refer to the Kaito Ferry website for more details of their services.

Strong waves hitting on the rocks, at “Balanced Rock”

Grass Island is a small island with only approximately 100 population, it’s a place you’ll find peace & inspirations. Most people are doing day trip from the city, you can easily round the island by feet within 3 hours. It is also a good place for camping. The campsite is facing the east, so you are going to get a beautiful sunrise right from your tent when you wake up in the morning.

The campsite facing east and Sai Kung East Country Park

“Land really is the best art.”

– Andy Warhol

Aerial view of Grass Island

Remember to try their famous Sea Urchin Fried Rice, Sea Urchin & Egg Sandwich and their Ice-less Cold Ginger Milk Tea, they are not to be missed. As soon as you arrive at Grass Island Pier, you will smell sun-dried fish and other seafood as the villagers are selling them on the stalls setting up along the small path from the pier to the village. You’ll then find yourself in the village where you’ll see a few restaurants, they are all having almost the same menu. Go check them out and find one that you like. Bon Appétit!!!

The famous Sea Urchin Fried Rice, price is about HKD110
Tin Hau Temple

Tap Mun New Fishermen’s Village and Yung Shu Village are the only 2 villages on the island. You’ll be walking through the villages when you do your circular walk, you’ll see the rustic life of the people there. As a tourist, we should not forget respecting their place of living, keeping the island clean, while enjoying ourselves.

The incredible “Balanced Rock 疉石”
”Lung Ken Kan 龍頸筋“

“Balanced Rock 疉石” and “Lung Keng Kan 龍頸筋” are 2 beautiful spots for pictures, follow the path and you won’t miss it. For “Lung Ken Kan”, it is less common, and its location is not far from the Dragon View Pavilion, slightly up north, follow the ribbons and the chalked-arrow that are left by the hikers. You will find it easily, you know you are on the right track when you see a steep slope with a long rope, hold on tight to the rope and descent. Be very careful and go slow, safety always comes first.

The last ferry leaving Grass Island for Ma Liu Shui is at 1730, make sure you don’t forget to check your watch. Ferry to Wong Shek Pier has more frequency, giving you more flexibility. The villagers also run private speedboat to Wong Shek Pier for your information.

Grass Island to Wong Shek Pier (Weekdays: 0745, 0945, 1145, 1345, 1545, 1800 | Weekend & Public Holidays: 0800, 0900, 1000, 1100, 1200, 1300, 1400, 1500, 1600, 1700, 1800)

If you enjoy Grass Island, I am sure you’ll love Tung Lung Chau 東龍洲 even more. 

Cape D’Aguilar 鶴咀 – the Holiday Trail


Crab Cave at Cape D’Aguilar           

Cape D’Aguilar, or Hok Tsui 鶴咀, is a cape in the south of Shek O and D’Aguilar Peak on southeastern Hong Kong Island, Hong Kong. The peninsula, where the cape is on its southeastern side, is also known as Cape D’Aguilar. This place is extremely beautiful and more importantly, it’s very easy to reach. Therefore, it has become a popular attraction among the tourists and locals. 

View of Kau Pei Chau from the rocky bay at Cape D’Aguilar

A little tip for you, try to avoid visiting Cape D’Aguilar 鶴咀 during the weekend, be there as early as you can, preferably before 9am. Visitors & hikers start to flood in before late morning, and it will be hard to take nice pictures at such a beautiful place when it is over-crowded. 

My Trail: 

” Cape D’Aguilar Road > CAPE D’AGUILAR 鶴咀 > D’Aguilar Peak (325M) > Shek O Beach ”
*Alternatively, you can take the same path to return to where you started, take the minibus #9 to return to Shau Kei Wan MTR!

Distance: 11 KM
Duration: 4.5 hours
Elevation Gain: 494 M
Difficulty: 3.5/5
View: 5/5

How to get there & return:

1. Take MTR Island Line to Shau Kei Wan 筲箕灣 station.

2. Take Exit A, go to bus terminal and look for the minibus #9 to Shek O via Dragon’s Back.  Make sure the bus is making a detour to Cape D’Aguilar (Hok Tsui), you can check with the bus driver.

3. Get off at the Cape D’Aguilar Road bus stop.

4. Begin your fun and pleasant hike along the road to Cape D’Aguilar.

5. You’ll finish at Shek O Beach, from there you will take the same minibus #9 back to Shau Kei Wan MTR.

Hike Overview:

The first 4 kms from where you get off the bus to Cape D’Aguilar is flat and very scenic, you feel very different vibe, as if you are on vacation somewhere out of Hong Kong. At the end of Cape D’Aguilar road, you’ll come across a radio station, there’s a sign stating no trespassing. Take a look at your left, next to the radio station, there’s a small path, follow the path around the station and go on until the end of the road. You’ll arrive at the Cape D’Aguilar Marine Reserve.

the “Thunder Sea Cave 雷音洞“!

First of all, go check out the “Thunder Sea Cave 雷音洞”, take the little stairs down on the left of the road. You’ll be stunned by the beauty of it, it’s a big sea cave with raging waves crashing in, forming a great phenomena. It’s definitely one of the best things I have seen. I was there for a while admiring it.

the Crab Cave, spectacular!

You’ll understand what I mean now when you can take pictures with the spectacular “Crab Cave” without anybody in the frame. Beside this picturesque spot, you can walk around the area and you will enjoy yourself a lot, it is very relaxing with the sea breeze and the sound of waves.

Bones of Miss Willy

The Bones of Miss Willy is just very close to the Crab Cave, you can say hi to her before continuing your hike to Shek O.

Next stop is D’Aguilar Peak (325M), take the same path back, and after Hok Tsui Village, you will see a road on your right. Follow the road and you are heading to D’Aguilar Peak.

You are going to see 2 satellite stations up there, pay attention to your left and you will find a small path leading you all the way to Shek O. Along the way, keep looking for ribbons to ensure you are on the right track, this part will become a little bit of an adventure. I’ll call it a “Ribbon Game”!!! Be very careful especially when you are descending down the rocks! You are going to find many spots that you can take great pictures with Shek O beach just behind you.

“ I go to nature to be soothed and healed, and to have my senses put in order. ”

– John Burroughs

This is the final part of descending, go very slow and steady, keep your eyes open and look for the ribbons. It will lead you to Shek O beach!

Shek O beach is one of the most beautiful beaches in Hong Kong. There are plenty of restaurant choices, go eat something and then relax at the beach, enjoy your sunbath and swimming!

Happy Holiday!!!

the two little cuties I met on the beach
walking through Shek O village and go to the end you’ll find this beautiful spot, enjoy your sunset watching there!