Iguazú Falls – One of the Most Beautiful Things I Have Seen

exceptionally BEAUTIFUL!!! 

Iguazú Falls is among the world’s visually and acoustically most stunning natural sites for its massive waterfalls.

Made up of many cascades producing vast sprays of water, I was totally stunned when I saw it with my eyes, my jaw just dropped standing in front of this spectacular waterfalls.

Iguazú Falls is one of the largest waterfalls in the world, along with Victoria Falls in Zimbabwe, Niagara Falls in USA & Canada, and Angel Falls in Venezuela.  

Iguazú Falls are divided between two countries: Argentina and Brazil. Although Paraguay is nearby, it only shares the river that Iguazú Falls feeds, but it is quite far from the falls and cannot even be seen from there. Both sides of the parks offer a different experience and have different characteristics and attractions, which is why it is recommended to visit both sides.

How to Get There?

  • By Plane:

If you have the budget, taking a flight is the best & quickest option, as Iguazú Falls are shared by Argentina and Brazil, there are two airports to fly in: Puerto Iguazú (IGR) in Argentina and Foz de Iguazú (IGU) in Brazil.

Getting to one or the other airport depends on where you come from to visit the destination.

I was travelling from Buenos Aires (AEP), and the flight is just less than 2 hours to Puerto Iguazú (IGR)

Check out Jetsmart and Aerolineas Argentinas websites for the flight details.

I always use Skyscanner to check for flights and compare the price. 


  • By Bus:

Another option is by bus, this is a cheaper option and only if you have the time, and a little patience. There are a few bus companies offering the service, the distance between Buenos Aires and Iguazú Falls is around 1300 km, and it takes about 16-18 hours on the road, it’s a long journey. 

Since the departures are usually in the evening, you’ll actually save one night of accommodation which is going to help you on your trip budget. 

If you choose this option, you’ll spend the day at Buenos Aires and then take the overnight bus to Iguazú Falls, arriving the following day in the afternoon. You can check-in your accommodation and enjoy your evening in the local town of Puerto Iguazú, have a good night of rest and start your day fresh on the next day, visiting Iguazú Falls

You can check busbud website for more details about the bus schedules.

” Find cheap bus tickets for your next trip.     – busbud “

Opening Hours & Entry Fee

Iguazú National Park on the Argentine side opens from 0800 to 1800. But you can only enter the park until 1630.

For adult, the ticket is ARS 800 (USD 15) and for children it is ARS 200 (USD 5)

The Devil’s Throat at Iguazú Falls, impressive!

Iguazú National Park on the Brazilian side opens from 0900 to 1800. But you can only enter the park until 1630.

For adult, the ticket is BRL 72 (USD 18) and for children it is BRL 11 (USD 3)


Which Side of Iguazú Falls is Better?

The Iguazú Falls are surrounded by a lush sub-tropical rainforest that is home to over 2,000 species of vascular plants, an impressive array of birds such as colourful parrots and toucans, thousands of butterflies and mammals such as tapirs and howler monkeys.

Special walkways have been built around the Iguazú Falls to allow visitors to get close up to this wonder of their natural beauty and power.

The Argentinean side of the Falls allows for an awe-inspiring and up-close encounter, whilst the Brazilian side boasts exceptional panoramic views, allowing you to appreciate it from many angles. For one to enjoy the full experience of this natural wonder, it is highly recommended that you visit both sides.

The Argentine park is a larger park, it has 3 main circuits (Superior Circuit, Lower Circuit & Devil’s Throat) and a trekking trail, Macuco Trail. The 3 main circuits let you enjoy the Iguazú Falls in different ways, they are high traffic boardwalks near the falls themselves. Macuco Trail provides the opportunity to visit the surrounding jungle in a more intimate & natural environment. For the Argentine park, you will need more time for exploration comparing to the Brazilian park, where you just need a few hours.

I was visiting the Argentine park, we spent the whole day there. The park is huge and there are so much to see and do, I enjoyed every moment in the park. Next time, I am going to see it from the Brazilian side, probably take a helicopter ride, admiring this magnificent waterfalls from above. 

Wildlife in Iguazú Falls

Iguazú Falls is the home of a great variety of animal life that cannot be found anywhere else.


On your visit to both national parks, it is very easy to find coati, a very cute small four-legged and long-tailed animal that roams the area in search of food that visitors usually give them (we are asked NOT to feed them for our safety).


Another animal that you will easily see in some trees is the toucan. They are brightly marked and have large, often-colorful bills, very beautiful. 

Other than toucan, there are many bird species that you’ll probably see throughout your visit. 

Helicopter Ride

If you are on the Brazilian side, you can take a helicopter ride over the falls, swooping in to get a closer look at Devil’s Throat. The magnificence of Iguazú is best appreciated from a bird’s eye perspective!

Although the ride only lasts for 10 minutes, it may just be the most exciting 10 minutes of your life!

“ The Earth has music for those who listen. ”

– William Shakespeare

Boat Tour

If you are on the Argentinean side, do not miss the boat tour, it’s going to be the most fun and thrilling moment of your day. You’ll get very close to the falls and the thundering roar of the water makes your heart beat faster and faster, as you are approaching it.

There are 2 boat tours offered at the national park: the ‘Nautical Adventure’ takes you right up to the middle of the waterfalls. It’s an incredible ride where you get very, very wet! If you prefer to take it easy, sail along the river on the ‘Great Adventure’. With some luck, you’ll spot wildlife in the surrounding jungle and finally, marvel at the waterfalls from a safe distance. Your choice! 

The boat tour is exhilarating!!!

Do remember to check on the last departure of the boat tour so you don’t miss it. As this is a very popular activity, the queue is going to be long, make sure you estimate some time for queueing. 

Weather in Iguazú Falls

The Iguazú Falls are located in an area of tropical rainforest, characterised by frequent rains and high humidity of the air, the region’s climate is sub-tropical humid, and is divided into two distinct seasons, the hot and wet summer season from October to March, and the winter season relatively dry and fresh, from May to September. 

It is a destination to go with comfortable and light clothing. Don’t forget to bring sunscreen and mosquito repellent!

I visited the park in October, the weather was perfect, clear blue sky, very pleasant temperature and I could spend the whole day comfortably. It was not crowded which was great for us for taking pictures, we could really enjoy the park.

The month where the park gets very busy is the summer months of January and February, not only it will be very crowded, it’s hot and humid. 

June and July also have relatively high visitor numbers as again it’s holiday season. But if you’re looking for less tropical temperatures then this could be the time you may consider.

What to Prepare?

You’ll probably spend the whole day at the park, make sure you are well-prepared before visiting.

Clothing & Shoe
  • Walking Shoe
  • Comfortable & Light Clothing 
  • Light Waterproof Jacket 
  • Swimsuit – for the boat tour as you’ll get completely wet.
  • Small/Medium Size Towel 
  • Extra Underwear, Socks and T-shirt – for change at the end of your visit. 
  • Sunscreen
  • Mosquito Repellent
  • Cap/ Hat
  • Drinking Water – you need to stay hydrated all day.
  • Sandwiches, Energy Bars, Mixed Trail Nuts & Chocolate – you’ll probably be walking the whole day at the park,  you’ll need some energy.
  • Cellphone and Power Bank
  • Camera/ GoPro – waterproof camera is important especially when you get very close to the waterfalls.
  • Ziplock Bag – to protect your valuables like wallet and cellphone.
  • Plastic Bag – for trash.

Where to Stay?

Puerto Iguazú is the gateway to Iguazú Falls, it is a city located in just less than 20 km away from the natural wonder, it takes about 30 minutes by bus or taxi. 

There are a lot of accommodation choices in the city. I was choosing a hotel around the bus terminal because you need to take a bus to the park, it was really convenient for us to just walk to the bus terminal from our hotel. 

Rio Uruguay buses leave every 20 minutes and drop you off in front of the entrance to Iguazú National Park.

There are plenty of restaurants around the area we were staying, souvenir shops, cafes and supermarket.  

Check out booking.com and airBnB to look for something you like.  

My Video at Iguazú Falls

I had an amazing time at Iguazú Falls, check out my video to see how stunning the place is. 

Ushuaia – City at the End of the World

How FAR will you travel?

It’s the End of the World!!! No, we’re not talking about some great apocalypse, Ha!

At the southern tip of South America, sits the Argentinian city of Ushuaia, known as “the end of the world.”. Set with a mountain range to the north and the Beagle Channel to the south, the city is nestled amongst some of the wildest and most unforgiving landscapes in Patagonia. Those who make it there are rewarded with stunning views and an experience that is unforgettable. 

For Argentinean people Ushuaia began to be known in the early 20th century when a prison was decided to be built there. The prison of Ushuaia is part of the city’s history and the prisoners were the “first settlers”.

Today, despite its remoteness and bracing climate, the city is a fascinating place in its own right, as well as a launchpad for wider explorations of wild and wonderful Tierra del Fuego. It has an international airport and all necessary services, It is also a cruise port and the closest deepwater port to the Antarctic.

How to Get There?

The easiest and most direct way to get to Ushuaia (USH) is a direct flight from Buenos Aires, Argentina, which takes about 3.5 hours

There are also flights from Santiago in Chilé which stops over in Puerto Montt and Punta Arenas.

If you are adventurous, you can consider taking the 5 days 4 nights cruise from Punta Arenas (Chilé) and cross over the Magellan Straits. This scenic journey takes you across the whole Tierra Del Fuego island and its diverse scenery, it is going to a journey of a lifetime. This is definitely a trip I will be making in the future.

Tierra del Fuego, it literally means Land of Fire is an archipelago at South America’s southernmost tip, shared by Chile and Argentina. It’s known for its dramatic landscape of snowy mountains, glaciers, tundra and wind-sculpted trees.

Check out skyscanner or Aerolineas Argentinas website for more details of the flight going to Ushuaia.

What to Do in Ushuaia?

Most travellers arrive Ushuaia by air, the city is just less than 15 minutes away by car. It is a very peaceful & windy city, it does make you feel like you are far away from the rest of the world. For a city that is so unique with its very own characters, history and geography location, Ushuaia has become an increasingly popular tourist destination.    

Let’s take a look some of the THINGS TO DO in Ushuaia:

Take a Walk in the City

Facing the Beagle Channel and with the Martial Mountains as a backdrop, Ushuaia is a picturesque city by the harbour. 

Beautiful harbour at Ushuaia with the Martial Mountains!

After settling down at my hostel having flown over don’t know how many miles and hours from Asia, the excitement of heading out to the city has definitely overpowered my tiredness. 

It was really nice to take a walk in the city, breathing in the fresh cold air from the end of the world, feeling the tranquility and admiring the surroundings. Feel the vibes of the local life in the market where they sell fresh catches from the sea, local produce and food, you are completely in a Spanish environment. I didn’t understand anything but it’s the unfamiliar feeling and environment made me so happy and excited. 

Met a group of friendly travellers from Argentina!

There’s a beautiful promenade by the sea with benches. It’s a perfect place to enjoy the scenery, having a picnic or running. Walk along the promenade towards the tourist pier and you’ll be seeing many ticketing booths and a tourist information centre. Go get information about some interesting excursions that you must not miss in Ushuaia. 

The “Les Éclaireurs” Lighthouse

The one most important thing to see when you are in Ushuaia is this iconic lighthouse. The “Les Éclaireurs” lighthouse is located in one of the many promontories that populate the Beagle Channel, in front of the city. It’s one of the typical postcards you’ll see of Ushuaia. This lighthouse is a tower painted in red and white stripes, 11 meters tall, and is equipped with a solar energy based lighting device.

The Train of the End of the World

Experience the world’s southernmost railway! Travel back in time as you discover the fascinating beauty of the Tierra del Fuego National Park.

The Train of the End of the World is one of the biggest Ushuaia’s attractions. It’s true name is “Ferrocarril Austral Fueguino” which, along with the jail, constitutes an icon of the island. An elegant and antique formation of heated wagons, with wide windows and pulled by a steam locomotive, will take you on a 8 km long tour departing from the End of World Station up to the Tierra del Fuego National Park Station. The round trip total time is approximately 1 hour 40 minutes.

Ushuaia’s Jail & Marine Museum

Known as the Alcatraz of Argentina, this historical prison was shut down in 1947. Nowadays most of it still stands conserving its original state, with the cells used by the convicted, their stone walls and the bars and grids.

This jail is the symbol of Ushuaia’s colonisation. It began to be built in 1902 and was finished in 1920. The works were carried out by the prisoners themselves, and had 380 one-person cells.

The main reason for its existence was to lodge re-offenders, but it ended up with a mixture of the most dangerous criminals, thieves, political prisoners, members of the armed forces, etc.

Those prisoners with good behaviour were rewarded with the chance of working outside the jail, or in the workshops. This was paid work, fact that enabled some of them to save some money for the moment they were released or to send it to their relatives outside.

Among the workshops there were: press, photography, shoe repair, tailor, carpentry, bakery, medical service, pharmacy and so on, all of which gave Ushuaia’s inhabitants the basic supplies in order to live. Otherwise they would depend on ships arriving to the port only once a month, or even less. In this way Ushuaia’s life was being built around this prison and along with it.

After a period of restoration since the prison’s closure in 1947, the building has reopened as a museum. Visitors can see the original cells, just as they were left with memorabilia from the final prisoners, look through a detailed photographic exhibition and hear fascinating stories from local guides, such as when a group of escapees begged to be let back in after struggling through the harsh Patagonian wilderness beyond the prison walls. 

Boat Excursion on Beagle Channel 

This half-day sailing experience in a rather small boat along the Beagle Channel is definitely a must do, it is going to be the best part of your trip to Ushuaia.

The journey starts with the boat sailing southwest, away from the city and towards the heart of the Beagle Channel, the narrow waterway in Tierra del Fuego that serves as the natural border between Argentina and Chile.

Firstly, the boat takes you near to the Isla de los Pájaros, or Bird Island. You’ll soon see how it earned this name when you observe the many different species of birds here: from seagulls to albatrosses to ducks and more.

The boat will then sail to another important place in the archipelago, the so-called Isla de los Lobos (Sea Lions Island) for about 20 minutes, which gives plenty of time to observe closely these sea mammals’ games and rituals. The reigning silence emphasises the impression that you are truly at the end of the world. Get your cameras ready, you won’t want to miss snapping photos of the adorable sea lion colony!

After seeing the sea lions, the boat will slowly sail until it reaches the “Les Éclaireurs” Lighthouse, standing on a small island in the archipelago of the same name. This old light house dating back from 1919 is one of the icons of Ushuaia, and the farthest point of the excursion.

After that, the boat starts to head back through a different route.

The final stop of the excursion will be at Puerto Karelo, where you’ll disembark for a brief 20-minute guided tour, during which you’ll have the opportunity to photograph the local wildlife and the beautiful plants on the island. It’s a very pleasant walk before returning to the pier.

End of the World Sign

Don’t forget to check out and take a picture with the End of the World Sign, “Ushuaia – fin del mundo”. It is located very close to the tourist pier.

Antarctica Expedition

The Antarctic expedition is a navigation with a duration of 11 days in which you can discover life enclosing the frozen continent, the surrounding islands, the giant icebergs and sea passages that defy navigators and demand the most from ships that dare to face this adventure. Departures are from Ushuaia sailing through the Beagle Channel. Then navigation continues through the Drake passage to the South Shetland Islands and from there to the Antarctic Peninsula.

photo from https://www.southernexplorations.com/antarctica-adventure-cruises/ushuaia

How Many Days?

There are plenty of things to do and see in Ushuaia, a minimum of 3 days is recommended. One day in the Tierra del Fuego National Park taking the End of the World Train, half a day cruising on the Beagle Channel watching the wildlife & the “Les Éclaireurs” Lighthouse, and a day walking in the city visiting various museums & chilling. 

“ Traveling – it leaves you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller. ”

– Ibn Battuta

If you have more time, you can go hiking, kayaking and visit more beautiful nature like Martial Glacier, Lake Escondido, and Lapataia Bay.

Best Time to Go?

Ushuaia is a destination to visit throughout the year, but still, the best time to go is from December through March, during the summer time.

In Summer, the temperatures are very pleasant reaching 20 degrees Celsius and have a medium average of almost 10 degrees Celsius. Sunrise is very early in the morning and it gets dark after 10 pm. This characteristic is essential for those who visit Ushuaia because they may have long days with sunlight to enjoy all type of excursions. However, wear enough warm clothings and dress in different layers because it does get cold, do not forget you are at the end of the world! 

The Movie – “Happy Together 春光乍洩” 

Happy Together (春光乍洩) is a 1997 Hong Kong romantic drama film directed by Wong Kar-wai starring Leslie Cheung and Tony Leung and depicting their turbulent romance. This movie was shot in Argentina, you’ll see places like Ushuaia, Iguazu Falls and Buenos Aires in the film.

“Ho and Lai are a gay couple from Hong Kong with a tumultuous relationship marked by frequent separations and reconciliations. They travel to Argentina in an attempt to mend their relationship, but break up after they become lost while traveling to visit the Iguazu Falls.”

Happy Together (春光乍洩) had earned Wong Kar-wai the Best Directing award in 1997 Cannes Film Festival and cemented his position as an art-house superstar. Tony Leung also won the best actor award in the 17th Hong Kong Film Awards.

Where to Stay?

We booked 3 nights at Antarctica Hostel during our trip to Ushuaia, this hostel is located in the heart of the city, few blocks away from the tourist pier, and there are restaurants, supermarkets, banks and post office nearby. 

The vibe of Antarctica Hostel is very youthful and lively, you’ll meet young travellers all around the world. I remember meeting a cute couple from Brazil, they were just getting married and travelling around South America, we are still keeping in touch until now.  

As soon as I walked into the lobby, I was already loving the place, it is very bright and beautifully decorated, very cozy. Breakfast is served daily from 0700 on the first floor and the 6 persons dormitory we were renting, we had to share the bathroom & toilet with other travellers, it’s on the ground floor. 

Cleanliness of this hostel is excellent and the staff speak very good English and they are very friendly. They are more than happy to give you some insights about their city and answer your questions. 

There are plenty of accommodation choices in Ushuaia, but if you are visiting during Summer, I’d strongly advice you making your booking in advance to prevent disappointment. 

Check out booking.com and airBnB to look for something you like.  

My Video in Ushuaia

Check out my video in this breathtaking resort town, if you have the chance to go there, you are going to love it as much as I do. 

Perito Moreno Glacier – an Unbelievable Experience

seeing the glacier is

If you ask me what is one of the most impressive things I have seen, I’d say it is definitely seeing the Perito Moreno Glacier

Los Glaciares National Park in Argentine Patagonia is home to the Perito Moreno Glacier. The park is 75 km west of El Calafate, the town where most people stay when visiting the glacier. It is one of the most important tourist attractions in the Argentine Patagonia. 

Some FACTS about Perito Moreno Glacier

  • It was named in honour of the Argentinian explorer Francisco Moreno, who played an important role in the border dispute between Argentina and Chile in the 19th century.
  • It is the third largest reserve of fresh water on the planet.
  • It is covering a total of 100 square miles, the glacier is 3 miles wide and rises 78 meters above the lake Lago Argentino, with its deepest point stretching to approximately 700 meters.
  • Despite the global warming, this glacier is growing, moving forward around 2 meters a day.

How to Get There & How Much?

El Calafate is my second stop after visiting El Chaltén, we booked on a shuttle bus directly from El Chaltén to our accommodation in El Calafate. Journey is 3.5 hours and the ticket costs around USD 25 per person.

If you arrive at the El Calafate airport (FTE) and you would like to go to the city first, it’s just 20 minutes away.

From the city centre, walk to the main bus terminal and purchase your bus ticket to Perito Moreno Glacier, at the same time you can also purchase the park ticket to the glacier. I’d recommend you to buy the ticket one day in advance to secure your seats, especially during peak season between November to March.

There are a few bus companies running the route, CalTur and Chaltén Travel are the 2 main ones. The bus journey is 1.5 hours and it costs around USD 30 return. First departure is at 0800.

… bring some Argentine Pesos …

The entrance fee for Los Glaciares National Park is ARS 800 (USD 13). Do remember to bring some Argentine Pesos with you, from my experience, they don’t take USD and credit card. You do not want to have any hassles when you are going to see one of the greatest natural wonders.

What to Do at the Los Glaciares National Park?

To visit the glacier, you can either join a tour or go on your own. I took the latter option to have more freedom, and cheaper of course. It is actually very easy to go independently, after buying the bus and park ticket, you are all set! 

Boardwalk and viewing platform at the park!

Boardwalk and viewing platform are built in the park, making the visit very enjoyable and easy. You are able to watch the glacier up close and personal, but still at a safe distance away. There are information signs in the park for you to know about the glacier and the history. 

While the glacier may seem frozen, it is actually on the move. As it grows, huge chunks break off the face of it, the splash creating a spectacular show. This phenomenon is called ice calving, or glacier calving

… dress warm, bring some snacks, get ready to see the Ice Calving

You must not miss the this incredible phenomenon, spend a little longer at the viewing platform and patiently wait for it to happen. The temperature is higher in the afternoon, therefore the chances of seeing ice calving is better. It is going to be very cold being so close to the glacier, dress warm and bring some snacks and a thermos flask filled with hot coffee, so you’ll stay warm and comfortable, while waiting for the magical moment.

Waiting patiently for witnessing ice calving!

Get your camera ready and when it happens, you are going to witness the ice breaking off and plummeting down into the turquoise water, the thunderous rumble of cracking ice can be heard from all over the park. I couldn’t hold my excitement when I saw it happening, jumping and screaming like a kid. The feeling of excitement is overwhelming. Sometimes the wonder of nature simply cannot be described by words!  

Go there on a sunny day for best photographs of the glacier, when the blue of the ice will really shine.

… take a Boat Tour to get closer to the glacier …

Once you are at the park, you have the option to book on a boat tour. You will get up to 100 meters away from the face of Perito Moreno Glacier, having a spectacular perspective from the water’s level. You’ll see a small booth with a sign saying ‘Navegacion’ at the park entrance, there’s where you buy your ticket. There should be a departure every hourly, the tour last for 1.5 hours and the price is around USD 20, it usually include a snack and a whisky with glacier ice at the end.

…go Glacier Trekking, expensive but it’s an experience of a lifetime …

If you have the budget, I’d strongly recommend you to join the tour to Perito Moreno Glacier with Glacier Trekking, it’s expensive but I think it’s an experience of a lifetime. I wish I had done it when I was there.

You will be given crampons and ice axes and be taken on a guided trek, imagine walking on this enormous glacier and feel the crack of the ice right under your feet, I believe it’s going to be an experience you will never forget.

There are two options for the Glacier Trekking:

  • Big Ice Trek costs around ARS 4000 (USD 275), it’s a full experience where you will get the chance of visiting ice cave, walking further up on the glacier, of course it’s more challenging physically.
  • Mini Trek costs around ARS 2400 (USD 156).

“ The most beautiful gift of nature is that it gives one pleasure to look around and try to comprehend what we see. ”

– Albert Einstein

When is the BEST Time to Go?

The best time to visit the glacier is between November and March. The summer months come with clear skies and warmer weather. However, that also means it will be packed with tourists. Spend at least 3 days in El Calafate because you’d want to see the glacier at its best, give yourself some buffer in case the weather changes. 

If you’d like to avoid tourist crowd, maybe you can consider visiting in October and April. 

The visit of Perito Moreno Glacier is often combined with Mount Fitz Roy Hikes in El Chaltén which is 3 hours away, that makes a complete Argentine Patagonia itinerary.