Devil’s Fist 鬼手岩 – the Challenging Trail Around Plover Cove Reservoir

The Devil’s Fist! Does it look like the fist of Thanos in Avengers? 

Devil’s Fist 鬼手岩 is Hong Kong’s oldest rock with 400 million years old. As you can already tell from the name, Devil’s Fist looks like a hand rising from the waves. Weathering and erosion occurred along the sandstone bedding forms the shape of the “fingers”.  And its bottom after being eroded by sea waves forms the shape of a narrow “wrist”, which will only be exposed above the water level at low tide.

It’s not easy to go there if you choose hiking as your option because of the long distance and it is a trail you might possibly get lost. Having said that, it’s definitely a hike you have to go experience despite the challenges. Not only you’ll test your physical strength, you’ll also be testing your endurance. It’s good to know where your fitness level at. I’m very glad that I did this trail, and I completed it twice. The feeling of achievement is great. 

Getting mentally prepared is one important factor before going for this challenging hike. I’d strongly advice that you start as early as possible as this trail is going to take at least 10-12 hours, you’ll hike from day to night, it takes even longer if you lose your way or take longer breaks. 

Read on this blog and you will have a better picture of this long challenging trail.

The red rocks at Fire Red Coast 火紅海岸!

My Trail: 

” Wu Kau Tang 烏蛟騰 > Kau Tam Tso 九担租 > Ha Miu Tin 下苗田 > Tai Tung 大峒 (295M) > MOUNT NEWLAND 觀音峒 (303M) > LUK WU TUNG 鹿湖峒 (295M) > Dit Sei Kau 跌死狗 (295M) > Fung Wong Tau 鳳凰頭 (238M) > Fung Wong Wat Teng 鳳凰笏頂 > Fung Wong Mei 鳳凰尾 > Pak Kok Shan 白角山 (205M) > Ngong Chong Shan 昂莊山 (132M) > Tai Leng 大嶺 (152M) > DEVIL’S FIST 鬼手岩 > Tai Leng 大嶺 (152M) > Ngong Chong Shan 昂莊山 (132M) > Pak Kok Shan 白角山 (205M) > Fung Wong Mei 鳳凰尾 > Fung Wong Wat Teng 鳳凰笏頂 > Fung Wong Tau 鳳凰頭 (238M) > Ngor Kai Teng 鵝髻頂 (219M) > Fu Tau Sha 虎頭沙 (110M) > Sam Mun Shan 三門山 > Pui Shue Wan Shan 砵樹環山 (82M) > Cheung Pai Tun 長牌墩 (125M) > Tai Mei Tuk 大美督  

Distance: 33 KM
Duration: 11 hours
Elevation Gain: 1771 M
Difficulty: 5/5
(this trail is extremely physically demanding, it requires strong endurance!)
View: 4/5

You’ll only get to see the whole Devil’s Fist during low tide! 

How to get there & return:

1. Take MTR East Rail Line to Tai Po Market 大埔墟 station, then take exit A3 to go to the minibus terminal.

2. Take the green minibus #20R to Wu Kau Tang 烏蛟騰, the final stop. The journey is about 30 minutes from Tai Po Market.

3. Your long hike to Devil’s Fist will begin at Wu Kau Tang Village, where you get off the minibus. 

4. You’ll finish your hike at Tai Mei Tuk 大美督 barbecue area, where you will see the bus stop, you can take either the green minibus #20C or the KMB bus #75K back to the East Rail Line Tai Po Market 大埔墟 station, for returning to the city. 

Hike Overview:

Before doing this long trail, it’s recommended that you have some trainings on other hiking trails to better prepare your fitness level. Pre-hike stretching and warming up is a must to prevent cramps, trust me, two of my team mates got it towards the end of the hike.   

You’ll first head to Kau Tam Tso 九担租. The first 3 km of the trail is flat, make use of it to walk faster to earn some time. Devil’s Fist is 14 kms away from the starting point, Wu Kau Tang 烏蛟騰, it takes about 4 hours. From Devil’s Fist to the finishing point, Tai Mei Tuk 大美督, the distance is about 19 kms, hiking time is around 6-7 hours. It is important that you keep track of your time and knowing how much distance left to complete the trail so you’ll have an idea by what time you’ll reach the finishing point. Remember to bring headlamp with you, it is very likely you’ll be hiking in the dark towards the end of the trail. Especially during Fall and Winter time when the day time is short, the sun sets at 5 something. 

From Kau Tam Tso, you’ll walk towards Ha Miu Tin 下苗田, then you’ll have to turn right into Tai Tung 大峒 where you’ll start ascending. After Tai Tung, you’ll hike through 3 mountains, Mount Newland 觀音峒, Luk Wu Tung 鹿湖峒 & Dit Sei Kau 跌死狗

To do this trail, one of the challenges is definitely hiking through countless of mountains where you’ll ascend and descend many times, wear a knee support if you have one so you do not injure your knee easily. Another thing you have to know about this trail is there will be no exit points throughout the hike. Once you start the hike going to Devil’s Fist, you have to complete the whole 33 kms trail. You do have the choice to either finish your hike at Tai Mei Tuk with the total distance of 33 kms; OR, you can hike all the way back to Wu Kau Tang, where you start the trail, with the total distance of 28 kms, slightly less in distance.

I personally like to see different view when I hike, and walking on the Plover Cove Reservoir Dam is definitely the best way to finish your hike where you could enjoy the sea breeze, watching people cycling and skating along the dam. You’ll walk on flat concrete road with the sea on your left, and the reservoir on your right. It is very relaxing! Also, there are more bus frequency at Tai Mei Tuk going to Tai Po Market station comparing to Wu Kau Tang, especially when you arrive late, you might have to wait for a long time, or you’ll probably miss the last bus.

Plover Cove Reservoir 船灣淡水湖
Yan Chau Tong Marine Park 印洲塘海岸公園

From Luk Wu Tung, you’ll have a bird’s eye view of the Plover Cove Reservoir 船灣淡水湖 on one side; and on the other side, there lies the captivating Double Haven or Yan Chau Tong Marine Park 印洲塘海岸公園. Spend a few moments there, take a break, and enjoy the beautiful surroundings. Feel the great energy from the nature and breathe in some fresh air.  

Dit Sei Kau 跌死狗

You’ll then arrive at Dit Sei Kau 跌死狗, where you’ll see big rock formations. It’s a great spot for pictures. Next, you’ll be heading to Fung Wong Tau 鳳凰頭, leaving you 6 more mountains to go, with 6 kms in distance before you get to Devil’s Fist 鬼手岩.

Keep checking for ribbons to ensure you stay on the right track!

“ I took a walk in the woods and came out taller than the trees. ”

– Henry David Thoreau

The path with thick bushes and branches sticking out, watch out!

From Fung Wong Tau, all the way to Tai Leng 大嶺, the last mountain before you descend to Devil’s Fist, the path will become narrower and less obvious. To avoid getting lost in the jungle, it is very important that you keep tracing your trail on your hiking app, and pay close attention to the ribbons tied on the branches. Besides, often you’ll have to push away the bushes and branches that are sticking out on the path, watch high and low to prevent stepping into the holes and knocking your head onto the branches. Some scratches on your arms and legs are however inevitable.

Wong Chuk Kok Tsui 黃竹角咀 Sign at Tai Leng

When you see the Wong Chuk Kok Tsui 黃竹角咀 sign, you are almost reaching the descending part to the coast, before getting to Devil’s Fist. According to the sign, the rock terrace was built in 1668.

Descent from Tai Leng to the coast before you’ll reach Devil’s Fist!       

There are ropes for you to hold on to help your descent, but still, watch out for slippery rocks.

Once you get to the coast, walk around it over the rocks and find that fist of the devil. The rocks on the coast are very beautiful, they are mainly in red and golden colors. The whole place is extremely picturesque!

Check the tide forecast before going to Devil’s Fist!

One important thing you should know before going to Devil’s Fist, that is to check the tide forecast , the place can only be reached by foot during low tide, and to be able to see the whole fist for better pictures, the tide level must be at around 0.8M or lower. Otherwise, the bottom of the Devil’s Fist will be immersed in the water. 


Now, you can experience “Coasteering” after seeing Devil’s Fist, go slightly further hiking along the rocky coast for seeing more rock formations and then return to Devil’s Fist. This is the part that you have to find your own path and footing, some parts you have to climb over big rocks, and at parts when climbing is not possible or too high, you’ll have to walk in the water. Be prepared to get wet if you are attempting coastal trekking. If you are just a beginner and do not have many hiking experiences, I don’t suggest you to do it because it can be dangerous.

Remember, there are 19 kms away to Tai Mei Tuk 大美督 from Devil’s Fist. So, if it is getting late, you better be hurry and start hiking back. 

Follow exactly the same path you came from Fung Wong Tau 鳳凰頭, it’s just now you hike all the way back there from Devil’s Fist, to Tai Leng 大嶺, to Ngong Chong Shan 昂莊山, to Pak Kok Shan 白角山, and so on. 

Once you’ve arrived at Fung Wong Tau, you’ll start to take your left path whenever it comes to a junction. You’ll then get to Plover Cove Reservoir Country Trail, that’s where you are heading to Tai Mei Tuk, around the reservoir. 

From that point, you’ll have 5 mountains to hike before you get to the dam, they are Ngor Kai Teng 鵝髻頂, Fu Tau Sha 虎頭沙, Sam Mun Shan 三門山, Pui Shue Wan Shan 砵樹環山 and Cheung Pai Tun 長牌墩, being the last one. The sun will probably set while you are in Plover Cove Reservoir Trail, get your headlamp ready, soon you will be hiking in the dark. Do not worry, because once you get to this trail, it is basically very straight forward and the path gets so much better to hike, with the openness.

The captivating Yan Chau Tong Marine Park!

After the ultra long hike, you must be starving and thirst for some cold drinks, at Tai Mei Tuk, there are plenty of restaurants and stores along the main road. You’ll get to sit down and eat right after you complete the hike, that’s exactly what I did. Reward yourself with good food and drinks after your great achievement. You totally deserve it!

Summary of TIPS before attempting Devil’s Fist trail:
1. Be physically and mentally ready for the 33 kms hike.

2. Check the tide forecast, know the low tide time and calculate your starting time.

3. Bring at least 2-3 liters of water and your lunch/ snacks.

4. Bring a headlamp (you’ll be hiking in the dark towards the end of the trail).

5. Bring gloves and wear long hiking tights to prevent scratches on your arms and legs.

6. Study the trail before the hike.

7. Keep tracing your location on your hiking app so you don’t get lost. 

8. Do not forget to do stretching and warm up before you start.

9. Last but not least, enjoy the beautiful nature!

Tai Mo Shan 大帽山 to Ng Tung Chai Waterfalls 梧桐寨瀑布 – the TOP of Hong Kong

Tai Mo Shan Weather Radar Station & Civil Aviation Department Radar Station

Tai Mo Shan 大帽山 is the highest mountain in Hong Kong with the elevation of 957 meters, it features a humid subtropical climate. You often see Tai Mo Shan covered in clouds, and it is claimed to be the most misty area in Hong Kong, this is due to the height of the mountain.

Tai Mo Shan Weather Radar Station and Civil Aviation Department Radar Station were built on top of the mountain, and they have become the recognizable buildings when people talk about Tai Mo Shan.

Drone shot of the Stone Forest (Wo Yang Shan)!

The mountain is very hiker-friendly, accessible by a few nice trails going to the top. I planned my trail starting from Tsuen Wan MTR to Tai Mo Shan passing through Wo Yang Shan 禾秧山, some named it “Stone Forest” because of the beautiful groups of rock formations up there. Going down I took the trail through the captivating Ng Tung Chai Waterfalls 梧桐寨瀑布 which I think is the Amazon of Hong Kong. You are going to experience two very different environments ascending and descending, and I find this is the best part of this trail.

The Amazon of Hong Kong – Ng Tung Chai Waterfalls!

Ng Tung Chai Waterfalls nestled within the dense jungle of Tai Mo Shan, it consists of 4 main waterfalls, they are “Scatter Fall”, “Main Fall”, “Middle Fall” & “Bottom Fall”. Each of them has their unique beauty, made me wondering, “Am I in Hong Kong?” Apart from the 4 main falls, there are also “Virgin Fall” and “Rainbow Fall”. I suggest you download the app “Hiking Trail HK” to find out the exact location of each fall, and this app is also the app I have been using to plan my hiking trail every time.

For this trail, I am covering 4 scenic locations, Shek Tin Mun, Wo Yang Shan, Tai Mo Shan & Ng Tung Chai Waterfall. They are perfect spots for photography and videography. Each of them are very instagrammable, so get packed and hit the trail.

Stone Forest & Tai Mo Shan

My Trail: 

” Tsuen Wan MTR > Shing Mun Catchwater 城門引水道 > Shek Tin Mun 石天門 > WO YANG SHAN 禾秧山 (771M)TAI MO SHAN 大帽山 (957M) > Sze Fong Shan Au 四方山坳 > NG TUNG CHAI WATERFALL 梧桐寨瀑布 > Man Tak Yuen 萬德苑 > Ng Tung Chai Village > Lam Kam Road “

Distance: 15 KM
Duration: 5 hours
Elevation Gain: 1145 M
Difficulty: 4/5
View: 5/5

View of Tsuen Wan, Kwai Chung and Tsing Yi from the trail going up to Wo Yang Shan!

How to get there & return:

1. Take MTR Tsuen Wan Line to Tsuen Wan 荃灣 station, then take exit A.

2. From exit A, turn right and follow the sign to Discovery Park, you will be walking on the indoor skyway. After about 400 meters, you’ll see a glass door on your right, go inside and that’ll lead you to a bridge crossing the railway. Follow the sign to Route Twisk and you’ll see this, take the stairs.

3. Cross Route Twisk and keep following the stairs up and you’ll arrive at Shing Mun Catchwater. Take your right direction and keep walking on the catchwater for less than 2kms. Pay close attention on your left, you’ll reach here.

4. Turn left and hike up the mountain until you reach a junction, where you’ll find this sign, follow the path and continue going up.

5. You’ll finally arrive at Shek Tin Mun, it should be on your right hand side, you won’t miss it as it is a massive rock formation.

6. After checking out Shek Tin Mun, follow the path where you see other rock formations, that’s Wo Yang Shan.

7. Tai Mo Shan can be easily seen from there, you’ll see the radar stations, the path going to the top is very clear.

8. From Tai Mo Shan, follow the concrete road behind the radar stations and you’ll start descending until you reach a pavilion, that’s Sze Fong Shan Au. You’ll find the sign to Ng Tung Chai Waterfalls.

9. From there, the path to the waterfalls is very straight forward and you’ll find signs along the way.

10. You’ll first arrive at the “Scatter Fall”, then “Main Fall”, “Middle Fall” and lastly “Bottom Fall”. After “Bottom Fall”, keep descending and you’ll come to Man Tak Yuen.

11. You’ll eventually arrive at Lam Kam Road walking out from Ng Tung Chai Village, you’ll find the bus stop on your left. You can take the bus KMB #64K to Kam Sheung Road 錦上路 West Rail Station to go back to the city. Or you can cross the road and take the same bus KMB #64K to Tai Po Market 大埔墟 East Rail Station to go back to the city, depending which direction is more convenient to you.


Hike Overview:

Overall, the trail from Tsuen Wan all the way to Tai Mo Shan is very pleasant and scenic. First kilometer is mainly stairs until you get to Shing Mun Catchwater, you will be walking on flat road for the next 2 kilometers. After that you’ll enter the mountain trail until you get to the incredible “Stone Forest”, Wo Yang Shan. That’s one of my favorite spots in Hong Kong, I’ve always love rock formations. The beauty of Stone Forest leaves you breathless, the whole place is so picturesque.

Shek Tin Mun 石天門, or the Sky Gate
Beautiful rock formations are seen everywhere on Wo Yang Shan!

Shek Tin Mun is a massive rock formation located on the very right side of Wo Yang Shan when you get up from the trail, I missed it the first time I went there. Check your Hiking Trail HK app to make sure you go see it.

Aerial view of Stone Forest (Wo Yang Shan)!
Don’t miss this iconic spot for your picture!

Trust me, once you are there, you’ll fall in love with the place as much as I do. When you are done admiring Wo Yang Shan, look up at the radar stations on Tai Mo Shan and follow the path up there. It should take another 2 kilometers or so.

Aerial view of Tai Mo Shan and the radar stations!

No matter you are beginners or advanced hikers, Tai Mo Shan is always a great choice. Apart from ticking off the bucket list by summiting Hong Kong’s highest peak, another reason is there are many nice trails connecting it, giving hikers flexibility in planning their own trail. The view of the skylines when you hike is absolutely beautiful. Do remember to plan your hike on a clear sunny day for great visibility.

This is why I love hiking so much, the openness!

“ The goal of life is to make your heartbeat match the beat of the universe, to match your nature with Nature. ”

– Joseph Campbell

Drone shot of the Main Fall of Ng Tung Chai Waterfalls!

Descending through Ng Tung Chai Waterfalls you will be walking into the Amazon of Hong Kong. The path is mostly shaded and cool. Be very careful as you go down, watch out for the slippery rocks. There are some parts the descent is steep, so take your time and don’t fall or hurt your knees. Accidents have been reported before for hikers trying to take selfie and lost the footing and fell from the waterfall, knowing our limits is the key to staying safe.

Below are the 4 main Ng Tung Chai Waterfalls:
1. Scatter Fall 散髮瀑, the cascades look like the hair of a woman from the back.

2. Main Fall 主瀑, the tallest waterfall with over 30 meters high.

3. Middle Fall 中瀑

4. Bottom Fall 井底瀑, this fall looks like you are in the bottom of the well.

You’ll be very surprised that you’ll find all these amazing places in Hong Kong. They are very close to us and we have easy access to most of them. I hope you go try out this trail and let me know what you think.

Acatenango Volcano Overnight Hike

The HARDEST and most REWARDING hike of my life! 

Climbing Antigua’s remarkable Volcán Acatenango, which towers above the landscape at 3,976 m, is at the top of the bucket list for most adventure travelers in Guatemala. Aside from providing panoramic views of the entire region, Acatenango gives hikers a birds-eye-view of nearby (and very active!) Volcán de Fuego which has been erupting almost every 15 minutes since as far back as the 1500s.

If you are visiting Antigua, you have to do this hike to complete your Guatemala trip, the experience is like no others. Imagine you’re watching the eruption of the active Volcán de Fuego from your tent, especially at night, you’ll see the red lava flowing down the mountain. It’s crazy to even think of it when you can get such a view of this phenomenon from close!

Volcán de Fuego, in English its name means Volcano of Fire. Since 2002, it’s eruptions have been vigorous. The volcano has many small eruptions every day, and every couple of years it has a larger, more disruptive eruption.

What an incredible phenomenon!

I have a friend, Alice who lives in Antigua with her adorable son. One of the reason I was visiting Guatemala is because of visiting her, of course I do know there are a lot to see and explore in this part of Central America.

Why Doing this Hike? 

Alice knows that I love hiking and outdoor, the first “things-to-do” in Antigua she recommended me was this Acatenango Volcano Overnight Hike, of course without considering at all and I said: “Yes, I’d love to do that!”.

I have always been active and I have been hiking whenever I travel to South America. I have done Machu Picchu in Peru, Torres Del Paine in Chile and Mount Fitz Roy in Argentina. To be honest, I thought I was quite fit to do the hike. Apparently I was overestimating myself, little did I know this Acatenango Volcano is a giant beast, that it could defeat my confidence. Still, I made it to the summit, it was a real fight, digging every ounce of my inner strength.

“It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.”

– Confucius

Altitude Sickness?

Alice booked me on this overnight hike after I was acclimatised in Antigua for a few days. This is an extremely important part if you are planning to do some sports in high altitude place, like hiking to Acatenango volcano which is 3,976 meters high. Because if you don’t get acclimatised, you will get altitude sickness with symptoms such as headaches, vomiting, tiredness, trouble sleeping, and dizziness. You do not want this to happen when you are traveling, so prepare yourself and prevent this from happening. Basically, our body needs about two to three days of slowly going higher in order to adjust to the changes, avoid alcohol and drink plenty of water help. There’s also medication you can take prior to your trip.

With our cheerful and incredible guide, Elisandro!

My Tour Operator

Gilmer Soy Tours is a very reliable tour operator based in Antigua, they provide very good service and they speak English. Most importantly, they have passion in what they do and they take extremely good care of us.

I remember during my first day of hiking to the base camp, one lady in my group was suffering from altitude sickness, she was feeling nauseous and could no longer make it any further, she puked and cried badly. Our guides immediately contacted the office sending another guide to go up the mountain, while one of our guides was carrying her down on his back, so they could meet somewhere in the middle, and passed over the lady so she could go back to Antigua to receive proper care and rest. We are talking about over 3000 meters high at that time, and after sending the lady to his teammate, the guide came back up again, when he arrived at the base camp, it was already way past dinner time, and in complete darkness. That was incredible when we know we are in very good hands, they care a lot about our well beings.

The two amazing guides we had were Elisandro and Wilson who were guiding us all the way to the summit. One of them were leading us, the group of 10 in the front and another one was walking behind the group to make sure we were all safe and they offer help to carry our backpacks for those who’s struggling. It’s a tough job for them but you can see they enjoy what they do, and they are always showing their brightest smiles.

The Overnight Hike Itinerary

Day 1
  • Pick up at hotel/hostal in Antigua – 7:30 am
  • Meet up point at the volcano base area (San José Calderas community).
  • Equipment checks and refreshments (Equipments subject of availability).
  • Short introduction for the expedition.
  • Start hiking to campsite at 10:00am (several stops for food and water).
  • Freshly cooked dinner at campsite.
Day 2
  • Start hiking to the summit of Acatenango at 3:00am.
  • Sunset watching at the summit.
  • Descent to the campsite.
  • Breakfast and pack up.
  • Descent to meeting point at the volcano base at 8:30am
  • Back to hotel/hostal in Antigua – 1:00pm.
The view of Fuego volcano from my tent!

Things to Pack for the Hike

Hiking Gear
  • Hiking Shoe – you’ll be trekking in the rough environment and thick volcanic ashes, going with the right shoe is important to hike comfortably.
  • Backpack with around 60L capacity – you have a lot to pack for the adventure.
  • Walking Stick – either you bring your own or they can provide, you’ll need it because walking on volcanic ashes is so much harder that you think, walking stick will give you a lot of support for both ascent and descent.
  • Sleeping Bag – bring your own so you’ll sleep better at night after the long hike, you do not want to worry about the hygiene issue.
  • Dry Fit Shirts x2
  • Pulloveryou feel very good to have a clean pullover to sleep, and for the next day.
  • Light Weighted Warm Jacket – the temperature is very low up there, they will also provide thick jacket for you during the pre-hike briefing, they will check and make sure we have the right one for keeping ourselves warm.
  • Windbreaker – you’ll need it on day 2 at the summit because it can get very windy and wet, this will make a difference.
  • Quick Drying Underwear x2
  • Mountain Trekking Zip-Off Trousers – you’ll have the choice to detach the lower part of the trousers easily as at some point you’ll sweat a lot and feeling hot.
  • Thick Wool Socks x2
  • Winter Hat/ Beanie
  • Gloves
  • 3L of Drinking Water
  • Energy Bars, Mixed Trail Nuts & Chocolate
  • Headlamp – on day 2 you’ll start hiking at 3:00am, without a headlamp it will be even more difficult to hike as you’ll lose sight of your teammates easily, it can get very foggy.
  • Cellphone and Power Bank
  • Camera/ GoPro
  • Toilet Paper – there’s a toilet at the base camp, but I do recommend you go for your big business in the morning before going for the hike, you’ll feel lighter.
  • Wet Wipes – for wiping face and body before sleeping, you’ll sleep better.
  • Disposable Toothbrush and Toothpaste 
  • Face Moisturizer

Best Time to Hike Acatenango

In Antigua, Guatemala there is a 6 month dry season from November – April, and a 6 month wet season from May – October. However this does not guarantee that you will have great weather in the dry season and bad weather in the wet season!  It is great to do the Acatenango climb all year round but from Nov – Apr you are more likely to have clear views and less likely to get wet. Having said that in the rainy season it usually is clear and sunny in the morning, clouding over at midday and rains for a couple of hours in the afternoon and then clears up again in the evening.

Freshly brewed coffee and hot chocolate!

The Hike Overview

The first part of the hike to Acatenango volcano is through local farm fields. This first hour will help you acclimatise and warm up your leg muscles. Further in the ascent, you’ll pass through an old-growth tropical cloud forest with some of the oldest trees of the volcano.

There’re some parts of the ascent that you’ll walk on the volcanic ashes, it’s extremely physical demanding because for every climb you make, you’ll drop a few inches. It is exhausting, at some point when you get too tired and you don’t care about being filthy anymore, you’ll just sit on the black volcanic ashes to rest your legs.

At noon time, you’ll enjoy your lunch break as they will prepare a fresh picnic, we had a grilled herb chicken with steamed rice and vegetables, and an apple as a dessert.

It is an incredible biodiversity of flora and fauna and is home to the famous Quetzal, Guatemala’s national bird. Along the way to the campsite, you will enjoy fantastic views of the other volcanoes like Atitlán and San Pedro.

At the base camp

Once in the campsite, you will be assigned your tent, you get settled and drop all the weights and freshen up yourselves. There is plenty of room to stretch out, dinner will be served after everyone’s ready. The guides will also set up a camp fire for everyone to stay warm. When the night approaches, the hikers gather around the campfire and mingle, while enjoying the the most incredible sights and sounds of nearby Fuego volcano’s eruptions. It is the best show you will see once the lights begin to fade, and it is the best prelude to a fresh camp dinner with hot tea and coffee. This is the most rewarding part of the hike, it is beyond unbelievable!

The sunset from Acatenango volcano’s base camp is one of the most amazing sunsets you will ever see with the red lava spewing out of the volcano next door.

The summit of Acatenango volcano, we made it!

The next morning, you will summit Acatenango’s 3,975 meters peak. This part of the hike is even more challenging than the day before with a 45 minute ascent on sand and gravel scree trail dotted with dwarf pine trees and high alpine mosses. I was really struggling to climb, every single step got sucked into the sand, plus the icy cold wind, freezing temperature and the darkness. All these factors are really trying their best to beat you to the ground. Giving up at this point seems to be the easiest thing to do, but then there’s a voice deep inside was screaming out, “You do not make this far to give up!” Then, I managed to find the strength and I told myself, I will make it to the top with the rest of my teammates. And I did it!!! It’s really mind over matters.

After the steepest trail up to the summit, we are rewarded with an incredible sunrise over Fuego volcano.

Watching sunrise above the sea of clouds!

After some rest and enjoying the unparalleled 360-degree views of the Guatemalan highlands, you’ll descend back down through a myriad of microclimates and finally return to Antigua.

Mount Fuego Eruption 2018

On Sunday 3rd June 2018, Guatemala’s Fuego Volcano erupted violently and with little warning, sending ash nearly four miles into the air, and burying villages under an avalanche like pyroclastic flow of super heated ash and volcanic gasses.  At least 62 fatalities have been reported thus for, with hundreds more missing and injured.